
Suriname: Association of Saramaka Authorites and FPP Request to UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination under the Urgent Action and Early Warning procedures, January 2012

22 Jan 2012
Association of Saramaka Authorites and FPP request to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) under the Urgent Action and Early Warning procedures made in relation to Suriname's failure to implement the Saramaka People v. Suriname judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR).

Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Two Cases from Suriname

15 Mar 2007
This report describes how the concept of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) has been experienced in Suriname with regard to: 1) logging and bio-prospecting in the territory of the Saramaka people; and 2) mining and related issues in the territory of the Lokono indigenous people of west Suriname.

Consentimiento Libre, Previo e Informado: Dos Casos en Surinam

15 Mar 2007
Este informe describe las experiencias del pueblo Saramaka y del pueblo Lokono en Surinam con el concepto del consentimiento libre, previo e informado. Se trata con dos situaciones distintas: 1) la extracción de madera y la bioprospección en el territorio del pueblo Saramaka; y 2) la minería y los asuntos relacionados en el territorio del pueblo indígena Lokono, al oeste de Surinam.

Vrijelijk tot stand gekomen, voorafgaande en weloverwogen instemming (FPIC): twee case studies uit Suriname

15 Mar 2007
Dit rapport beschrijft hoe de Saramaka- en Lokono-gemeenschappen in Suriname het concept "Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)" in de praktijk brengen.Twee typische situaties in Suriname worden beschreven: 1) houtkap en bio-prospecting op het grondgebied van de Saramaka-gemeenschap; en 2) mijnbouw en daarmee verweven activiteiten op het grondgebied van de Lokono-gemeenschap in West Suriname.Forest Peoples Programme en de Vereniging van Saramakaanse Gezagsdragers