
Marchés du carbone, Forêts et Droits : une série introductive

29 Sep 2023
Pendant des décennies, les peuples autochtones et leurs représentants ont exigé que tous les financements, les politiques et les initiatives visant à lutter contre la crise climatique, soient soumis à une obligation de respect et de protection de leurs droits, leurs cultures, leurs moyens de subsistance

Mercados de carbono, bosques y derechos: una serie introductoria

29 Sep 2023
Por décadas, los pueblos indígenas y sus representantes han exigido que todas las políticas, financiación e iniciativas destinadas a abordar la crisis climática respeten y protejan sus derechos, culturas, medios de vida y conocimientos.

Mercados de Carbono, Florestas e Direitos: Uma Série Introdutória

29 Sep 2023
Durante décadas, os povos indígenas e os seus representantes exigiram que todas as políticas,financiamento e iniciativas destinadas a enfrentar a crise climática respeitassem e protegessem os seus direitos, culturas, meios de subsistência e conhecimentos.

Desecrated Forest Part 1: Palm oil routes and conflicts

10 May 2023
Palm oil route and conflicts, that everyday ingredient that comes from a depredated territory The crude palm oil produced by the Ocho Sur group originates in an area of the Peruvian Amazon devastated more than 10 years ago, which the Santa Clara de U

Victory for Indigenous Peoples of Ucayali against oil extraction on their ancestral lands in Block 200

18 May 2022
Indigenous peoples of the Ucayali region have secured a victory against oil and gas extraction in Block 200. After long years of struggle against its imposition and in the face of a very poor consultation process with serious violations of Indigenous rights, they succeeded in getting CEPSA Peru to withdraw from the operation. The Indigenous Peoples will remain vigilant and will fight for the cancellation of the oil block.

Victoria de los pueblos indígenas de Ucayali frente a la extracción petrolera de tierras indígenas en el Lote 200

18 May 2022
Pueblos indígenas de la región de Ucayali aseguraron una victoria frente al proyecto extractivo del Lote 200, donde después de largos años de lucha a su imposición y frente a un proceso de consulta muy pobre y con graves violaciones a los derechos indígenas, lograron que la empresa CEPSA Perú decida retirarse de la operación. Los pueblos indígenas permanecerán vigilantes y lucharán por la anulación del Lote petrolero.

New report exposes brutal expulsion of Indigenous communities from their ancestral land in DRC

06 Apr 2022
Using militarised forces to evict people from their ancestral land to create ‘protected areas’ for conservation tramples on human rights and is never acceptable. It also goes against scientific evidence that demonstrates Indigenous peoples better protect biodiversity, and that the results are even greater where they have security of tenure and control over their traditionally owned territories.