
"Territory": Video by the Emberá people of Colombia

03 Aug 2020
Cañamono Lomaprieta is an indigenous reserve of colonial origin, a 'resguardo' that has had a resistance for more than 500 years... [since] the whole process of colonisation began, of the entire continent, and towards the land of what is today Caldas. The colonisers arrived here very early as a result of all the gold.

"Territorio": Video del pueblo Emberá, Colombia

03 Aug 2020
El Resguardo Indígena Cañamomo Lomaprieta. es un resguardo de origen colonial, un resguardo que ha tenido una resistencia de más de 500 años... [desde que] empezó todo el proceso de colonización de todo el continente y hacia las tierras de hoy, de Caldas. Llegaron muy tempranamente los colonizadores, producto de las riquezas auríferas que hay allí.

"Mother Earth": Video by the Emberá people of Colombia

22 May 2020
Where there is an indigenous reserve or there are indigenous people, if there is no traditional medicine, it is all for nothing. If there is no traditional culture and traditional medicine [...] I believe that an indigenous reservation will have no strength. The territory is also very important, because indigenous people without territory are thrown into the air, into the space of capitalism, where one has no room for one's own life, but rather is at the mercy of the system of large-scale exploitation.

"Madre Tierra": Video del pueblo Emberá, Colombia

22 May 2020
"Donde haya un resguardo indígena o hayan indígenas, si no hay medicina tradicional, no está por nada. Si no hay  la cultura tradicional y la medicina tradicional [...] yo creo que no tiene que afianzarse un resguardo indígena.

Pushing for peace in Colombia: Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Peoples join forces to uphold their rights, address mining-related conflict

02 Mar 2016
This report synthesizes the outcomes of Year 1 (2014-2015) of a two year inter-ethnic project between the Embera Chamí People of the Resguardo Indígena Cañamomo Lomaprieta (Riosucio, Supía – Caldas) and Afro-Descendant Communities of the Palenke Alto Cauca – Proceso de Comunidades Negras (northern Cauca) aimed at organizational strengthening and territorial defense around extractives and ethnic rights, with technical support by the Forest Peoples Programme. The project is funded by the Embassy of Norway in Colombia, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.