
Customary rights in APRIL Plantations: Findings from a field study

20 Apr 2023
An independent field study reveals that indigenous peoples in Indonesia lost large parts of their customary territories to a pulp and paper company’s (APRIL) plantations, without having their rights recognised, and without their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).

Exigiendo responsabilidad - Fortaleciendo la rendición de cuentas empresarial y reformando la debida diligencia de la cadena de suministro para proteger los derechos humanos y salvaguardar el medio ambiente

15 Jun 2021
Nombres conocidos como Nestlé, PepsiCo, Wilmar y Unilever, así como instituciones financieras e inversores mundiales asociados, siguen "haciendo la vista gorda" ante las violaciones de los derechos humanos en sus cadenas de suministro de aceite de palma, según un nuevo informe publicado hoy.

Report: New investigation reveals oil palm industry’s use of shadow companies to circumvent social and environmental commitments in Indonesia

04 Feb 2021
The use of ‘shadow companies’ is systemic within the oil palm industry. FPP’s new investigation into one of the most notorious oil palm operators in Indonesia finds substantial evidence the group is disguising its interests in companies whose beneficial owners are registered in a secrecy jurisdiction. These shadow companies are also responsible for extensive deforestation, peat land clearance and human rights abuses.

REPORT: The Plan to Plunder Borneo’s Final Frontier

08 Dec 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an alarming spike in forest loss in Indonesia and has been used to defend one of the biggest legislative changes in the country’s history: the Omnibus Bill. This sweeping deregulation rolls back on already weak protections for the archipelago’s indigenous population and leaves their lands increasingly vulnerable to appropriation. 

Indigenous women’s realities: Insights from the Indigenous Navigator

25 Oct 2020
The result of a collective and community-led data-gathering exercise relying on the Indigenous Navigator framework and tools, this report identifies and discusses the experiences, needs, concerns and aspirations of indigenous women in 11 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

ILO111 Submission - Ompu Ronggur

04 Aug 2020
International Labour Organization Article 24 Representation Non-Observance of Convention No.111 by the Republic of Indonesia Submitted by SERIKAT BURUH PERKEBUNAN INDONESIA (SERBUNDO)