
Declaration of the Indigenous Peoples of the World to the UNFCCC COP 17 International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change, Durban, South Africa, December 2, 2011

07 Dec 2011
We, the Indigenous Peoples of the world, united in the face of the climate crisis and the lack of political will of the States, especially the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, demand the immediate adoption of legally binding agreements with shared but differentiated responsibilities, to halt global warming and to define alternative models of development in harmony with Mother Earth.

REDD+ systems on providing information on safeguards (SIS): Inclusion of data relevant for indigenous peoples

29 Nov 2011
Developing countries’ remaining forests are spaces inhabited by indigenous peoples. These spaces have been shaped, protected and expanded by indigenous peoples over generations. The relationship of indigenous peoples to forests is linked to livelihoods, cultures, world views and traditional knowledge and may be expressed through forms of customary tenure, land use and resource use. By proposing social and rights-based indicators and building blocks, this document promotes a view of REDD+ that is holistic and secures carbon stocks, biodiversity and the rights of forest peoples.

Oil Palm Expansion in South East Asia: Trends and implications for local communities and indigenous peoples

18 Nov 2011
This insightful study by Forest Peoples Programme, SawitWatch, Samdhana Institute and the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) documents in detail, and for the first time, the way oil palm plantations are now expanding in very different ways across South East Asia as a whole. The study complements better known experiences in Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea with new case studies of the processes of oil palm expansion in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines. 

Ekspansi Kelapa Sawit di Asia Tenggara: Kecenderungan dan implikasi bagi masyarakat lokal dan masyarakat adat

18 Nov 2011
Studi yang penuh wawasan oleh Forest Peoples Programme, SawitWatch, the Samdhana Institute dan the Centre for People and Forests ini mendokumentasikan rincian dan untuk pertama kalinya bagaimana perkebunan kelapa sawit berekspansi di seluruh Asia Tenggara. Studi ini melengkapi pengalaman-pengalaman terbaik yang diketahui di Malaysia, Indonesia dan Papua Nugini dengan studi kasus-studi kasus baru tentang proses ekspansi perkebunan kelapa sawit di Thailand, Kamboja, Vietnam dan Filipina.