
FPP E-Newsletter December 2013 (PDF Version)

03 Dec 2013
Dear Friends,What are the prospects for securing the land rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, and women in the foreseeable future?Significantly, the report of the United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, under Goal 1 to “End Poverty”, sets a target to “Increase by x% the share of women and men, communities, and businesses with secure rights to land, property, and other assets”.

FPP E-Newsletter October 2013 (PDF Version)

01 Oct 2013
Dear Friends,The principle that the enjoyment of human rights is both the means and the goal of development, highlights the importance of human rights monitoring as a means for empowering rights-holders to exercise their rights, whilst holding States and other actors accountable for their human rights obligations.   

Lembar Berita Elektronik FPP Oktober 2013 (versi PDF)

01 Oct 2013
Teman-teman yang baik, Prinsip bahwa pemenuhan hak asasi manusia adalah sarana sekaligus tujuan pembangunan membawa perhatian pada pentingnya pemantauan hak asasi manusia sebagai sarana untuk memberdayakan para pemegang hak untuk menegakkan hak-hak mereka, seraya tetap menuntut tanggungjawab negara dan aktor-aktor lainnya untuk melaksanakan kewajiban hak asasi mereka.