
Urgent appeal against the forced eviction of Sengwer communities in Kenya

23 Dec 2013
We are deeply concerned by the forced evictions of the 6,000-7,000 Sengwer indigenous people and other communities in Embobut Forest in the Cherangany Hills (Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya). For many years the Government has been trying to move the indigenous inhabitants of Embobut off their land by burning their homes. They have done this in the name of a fortress conservation approach which seeks to remove local people from their lands.

Masyarakat Wapichan dan organisasi-organisasi HAM Guyana menyerukan penghentian rencana pembangunan jalan di kawasan selatan Guyana

28 Nov 2013
Asosiasi HAM Guyana (GHRA) dan masyarakat Wapichan di Rupununi menyampaikan kekhawatiran yang besar atas rencana pembangunan jalan yang akan berdampak pada hutan alam di bagian selatan negara tersebut,yaitu yang berada di dalam wilayah masyarakat Wapichan. Jalan yang akan dibangun dari Brasil tersebut akan melintasi Desa Parabara di daerah Rupununi Selatan dan akan membabat hutan hujan alam tua di sepanjang rute ke arah Sungai Essequibo dan terus sampai Suriname.

PBB Menetapkan Dewan Penasehat Ilmiah untuk memperkuat hubungan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan kebijakan

28 Nov 2013
Sekretaris Jenderal PBB, Ban Ki-moon, telah mengumumkan pembentukan sebuah Dewan Penasehat Ilmiah baru yang akan memberikan nasihat tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan inovasi bagi pembangunan berkelanjutan, kepada dirinya dan kepada Kepala-Kepala Eksekutif organisasi-organisasi di bawah PBB.Dewan ini terdiri dari 26 ilmuwan terkemuka di bidang ilmu pengetahuan alam, sosial dan manusia, dan termasuk Joji Cariño, Direktur Forest Peoples Programme.

Rampant conflict in the palm oil sector addressed in international civil society organisation strategy meeting

27 Nov 2013
Following the widely publicised launch on 7 November of a landmark study on Free, Prior and Informed Consent in 16 oil palm operations in Southeast Asia and Africa titled ‘Conflict or Consent? The Oil Palm Sector at a Crossroads’, over 40 civil society organisations from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Cameroon, the United Kingdom, the United States and South Africa congregated in Medan, North Sumatra (Indonesia) in a three-day workshop organised by Forest Peoples Programme, Transformasi Untuk Keadilan INDONESIA, ELSAKA and BothENDS on 8 – 10 November.

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Update: Outcomes of recent meetings

27 Nov 2013
Following up on our previous E-news article that looked ahead to the 8th meeting of the CBD Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions (WG8(j)-8) and the 17th meeting of the CBD’s Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-17) held in October 2013 in Montreal, Canada, we now provide a brief update on some main outcomes of relevance and importance to indigenous peoples.

Konvensi Keanekaragaman Hayati (CBD) Update: Hasil Pertemuan Baru-Baru Ini

27 Nov 2013
Menindaklanjuti artikel berita elektronik kami sebelumnya yang akan melihat pertemuan ke-8 Kelompok Kerja CBD Pasal 8 (j) dan ketentuan-ketentuan terkait (WG8 (j)-8) serta pertemuan ke-17 Badan Pendukung CBD tentang Nasehat Teknologi, Teknis dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice/SBSTTA-17) yang diselenggarakan di bulan Oktober 2013 di Montreal, Kanada, di sini kami memberikan ringkasan informasi terkini tentang

Palm Oil development, ‘Forest Carbon’ conservation and community rights

27 Nov 2013
The production of palm oil has come under sustained criticism for its destruction of forests, biodiversity and wider environmental values. More recently, the industry has also been targeted to prevent the massive greenhouse gas emissions from its forest clearance and from drainage and planting on peatlands. Under pressure from local and international campaigning groups, the palm oil giant Golden Agri Resources has adopted a new Forest Conservation Policy that promises no clearance of tall forests and no planting on peat. What are the implications of this new policy for forest peoples?

Pengembangan minyak sawit, konservasi 'Karbon Hutan' dan hak-hak masyarakat

27 Nov 2013
Produksi minyak sawit terus menerus mendapat kecaman karena menyebabkan kehancuran hutan, keanekaragaman hayati dan nilai-nilai lingkungan dalam arti yang lebih luas. Belakangan ini, industri ini juga menjadi target kecaman untuk mencegah emisi besar-besaran gas rumah kaca akibat aktivitas pembukaan hutannya dan akibat pengeringan dan penanaman di lahan gambut.

"COP Hutan"? – Sorotan mengenai hutan dan masyarakat adat dari Konferensi Para Pihak UNFCCC Ke-19

27 Nov 2013
Keputusan-keputusan penting tentang REDD+ yang diadopsi pada Konferensi Para Pihak  Konvensi Kerangka Kerja PBB tentang Perubahan Iklim (UNFCCC) ke-19 (COP19) di Warsawa, dan perundingan-perundingan iklim UNFCCC mendatang dan komitmen pembiayaan oleh donor, seperti Inggris, akan membawa tantangan-tantangan yang lebih signifikan bagi hak-hak masyarakat adat dan para penganjurnya.

Indonesia: IFC CAO withdraws from mediation process in PT Asiatic Persada oil palm concession

26 Nov 2013
The International Finance Corporation Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (IFC CAO) has formally announced its withdrawal from the case of PT Asiatic Persada, following the sale of the concession by Wilmar in April 2013, and the new management’s decision to continue mediation through a government team instead. This is despite the fact that the affected Batin Sembilan communities and complaint signatory NGOs have repeatedly called on the IFC CAO to continue its role as mediator and to encourage the company to pursue this avenue towards conflict resolution.