How to donate

Our work relies on the efforts of committed individuals and organisations, dedicated to helping some of the world's poorest and most marginalised people. If you would like to support our work, you can make a donation in the following ways:


Please visit our JustGiving page to make a donation there.

Donate via our JustGiving page.

UK donations

Forest Peoples Programme can increase the amount you donate - at no extra cost to you - by reclaiming the UK tax you have paid on any donation. All you need to do is to give your agreement to this.

Donate via CAF website

Download printable Gift Aid form

Leave a legacy

You may wish to remember the Forest Peoples Programme in your will - this allows you to make a planned gift to a charity whose work you believe in, while ensuring that your family and the people you care about will be provided for after your lifetime. A bequest to charity is free of inheritance tax, reducing the total amount of tax payable on your estate.

How to leave a legacy - simply name Forest Peoples Programme as a benefiting charity in your will, or leave instructions for your executors telling them to whom you would like a specific sum of money distributed. Alternatively, the Charities Aid Foundation is able to provide advice on all the administrative details:

Telephone: CAF Legacy Services on 01732 520357

Write to:
Legacy Services, Charities Aid Foundation,
25 Kings Hill Avenue,
Kings Hill,
West Malling,
Kent, ME19 4TA,


Visit the CAF website: Your legacy to charity