
What do you know about conservation and human rights?

16 Oct 2019
the practice of conservation and the respect for human rights can be tricky to navigate. When is it acceptable to restrict a community’s right to hunt or use natural resources it has traditionally accessed? Can a protected area be created on community lands without their consent?

“We can’t see the wood for the trees” – the worrying reality of conservation in Peru, and a way to improve it

01 Jul 2019
Peru’s approach to conservation and natural resources is discriminatory and violates the human rights of indigenous peoples. Rather than marginalising these peoples, who have a long and varied history of conservation, conservation actors must recognise their enormous contribution to Peru’s natural heritage, and ally themselves with these communities against the true enemies of nature.

Blog: Learnings on gender from the Congo Basin

08 Mar 2019
As a human rights organisation, gender justice is a fundamental principle of our work, and we have long been conscious of, and sought to address, the barriers to effective participation in decision-making by women. This blog summarises some of the experiences and learnings from our fieldwork in the Congo Basin over the past 5 years, on how to improve women’s effective participation at the community level.