
France: the last barrier to forest peoples’ protection in EU law

02 Dec 2022
Negotiations between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU are set to finalise the EU regulation on deforestation-free products and agree on a compromise for a final text to be adopted. Today, only France continues to impede progress by blocking any attempt in the EU negotiations to keep the inclusion of the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.

Joint letter to end EU complicity in Amazon fires

04 Sep 2019
In light of the forest fires in Brazil, Forest Peoples Programme and others ask the EU to urgently address complicity in current deforestation crisis and instruct the European Commission to work on EU regulation to end deforestation.

Indigenous leaders and human rights defenders demand urgent EU action on deforestation

29 Jun 2018
After taking part in meetings with the Amsterdam Declarations Partnership and DG Trade to present rights-based solutions for achieving deforestation-free trade, the 'Closing the Gap' delegation are travelling to Brussels to deliver a petition signed by 160,000 people urging EC President Jean-Claude Juncker to uphold the European Union’s international commitment to halt deforestation by 2020 by supporting an EU Action Plan to protect forests and respect forest peoples’ rights.

How can the EU WaTER Project help secure, not undermine, human rights in Kenya?

14 Feb 2017
There is increasing concern from local, national and international civil society about the human rights implications of the EU’s €31 million Water Tower Protection and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Project (WaTER) that is focused on an area of Kenya with a history of deeply troubling human rights issues.

¿Cómo puede el proyecto WaTER de la UE ayudar a garantizar, no socavar, los derechos humanos en Kenia?

14 Feb 2017
Las implicaciones que el programa de la UE para la protección de depósitos de agua y de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático (proyecto WaTER) pueda tener para los derechos humanos generan una preocupación creciente dentro de la sociedad civil local, nacional e internacional. Dicho proyecto de 31 millones de euros, se centra en un área de Kenia con un historial de problemas de derechos humanos enormemente preocupantes.

How can the EU WaTER Project help secure, not undermine, human rights in Kenya?

09 Dec 2016
There is increasing concern from local, national and international civil society about the human rights implications of the EU’s €31 million Water Tower Protection and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Project (WaTER) that is focused on an area of Kenya with deeply troubling human rights issues.

A Trip to European Union: Voicing Injustice and Exposing Environmental Destruction

26 Jul 2016
We took a trip to three European countries – Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom – shortly after Indonesian President Joko Widodo visited Europe (17-22 April 2016). One of the hot issues in the President’s trip was black campaigns against Indonesian oil palm exportation in Europe. Previously, on 14 April 2016, the President had said he would issue a regulation imposing a moratorium on any new permits for oil palm plantations and mining, which drew attention of activists and some of the EU commission countries. 

Un viaje a la Unión Europea para denunciar injusticias y la destrucción del medio ambiente

26 Jul 2016
Poco después de que el presidente de Indonesia Joko Widodo visitara Europa (17-22 de abril de 2016), nosotros emprendimos un viaje a tres países europeos: Bélgica, Holanda y el Reino Unido. Uno de los temas cruciales de la visita del presidente de Indonesia fue el de las denominadas “campañas negras “contra la exportación de aceite de palma indonesio a Europa. Anteriormente, el 14 de abril de 2016, el presidente había dicho que introduciría un reglamento que impondría una moratoria en la concesión de nuevos permisos para plantaciones de palma de aceite y la minería, lo cual llamó la atención de los activistas y algunos de los países integrantes de la Comisión Europea.

Will the EU’s timber supply chain and policies on deforestation be brought into line with international human rights law?

26 Jul 2016
In July 2014 the European Commission embarked on an evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan. FLEGT stands for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade and is the EU’s response to illegal logging and associated illicit trade. The action plan was adopted in 2003 and since then several so-called voluntary partnership agreements (VPAs) between the EU and producer countries have been negotiated as part of the initiative.

¿Se armonizará la cadena de suministro de madera y las políticas de deforestación con el derecho internacional en materia de derechos humanos?

26 Jul 2016
En julio de 2014 la Comisión Europea se embarcó en una evaluación del Plan de Acción sobre la Aplicación de las Leyes, la Gobernanza y el Comercio Forestales (FLEGT por sus siglas en inglés) de la UE. Este plan es la respuesta de la UE a la tala ilegal y el comercio ilícito que lleva asociado. El plan de acción fue adoptado en 2003 y desde entonces se han negociado varios acuerdos voluntarios de asociación (AVA) entre la UE y los países productores como parte de la iniciativa. Al mejorar la regulación y la gobernanza de los bosques, los AVA deben supuestamente garantizar que la madera y los productos madereros que se exporten a la UE sean legales.

Letter to EU Director for the Environment, Calleja Crespo

11 Nov 2015
NGO letter to Calleja Crespo the newly appointed EU Director for the Environment. The letter highlights the most important forest-related items that should be addressed in DG Environment’s work plan for the coming months and years.Link